
Paka Activities

When you choose to travel to Tanzania there are so many things to choose. We all have different interests and here you can read about the things that may interest you. Let this help inspire your Tanzania adventure.

Ballon Safari at twilight
A once in a lifetime experience!” Probably the most beautiful balloon flight in the world and the ultimate safari experience...
A short boat ride from Mafia Island take you to the feeding ground of the whale sharks, and you will see the dark shade in the sea...
The Great Migration Gnu
Visiting Serengeti is where you can see the big migration up close. Large amounts of Wildebeests migrate all through the year...
Walking Safari
Before breakfast you take some tea or coffee and some fruits before heading in to the woods by foot. Together with a guide...
Rainforest Safari
During your safari we often recommend a break in the driving and take some hours to enjoy the nature by foot...
Zanzibar Activities
The three - hours guided tour begins and ends up at your hotel where you will walk/driven to the city market...
Golf Page
The most spectacular golf destinations in the world, with a stunning view of Kilimanjaro, and the animals...
Sea turtles page
It is an unforgettable sight to witness the tiny sea turtle hatchlings emerge from their nest in the sand before...
You will never forget riding side by side Zebras and giraffes on the African savannah, with a spectacular view...
diving fishes
True dive enthusiasts are also often experts in geography because the most exotic diving sites are often hidden...
Birds and Flowers page
If birds or flowers is your passion then please keep reading, we know where to take you, and when...
Maasai people tribe
On your journey in Tanzania, you will most likely meet the tall, slender built and colorful dressed people of the Maasai tribe...